Daycare Programs
Who knew that there would be a day that dog daycare would be as popular and as needed as child daycare! Dogs these days are absolutely spoiled and we are here to ensure they get the full experience!
Regular Daycare
Regular daycare is a set day(s) of the week booked far in advance to secure your spot. You are welcome to book for the entire year. The only times regular daycare is NOT accepted is over Christmas/New Year’s Break or March Break.
Grooming perks for regular daycare dogs! We have 3 options of regular grooming for a discounted price.
Option 1: Monthly FULL grooms for 30% off
Option 2: Every other month FULL grooms for 15% off
Option 3: Monthly nail trims (can be paired with option 2)
This program is FULLY BOOKED. If you wish to be on our regular’s waitlist, please contact us!
Mental stimulation is just as important as physical activity which is why we have introduced lickmats with peanut butter! Add as many as you’d like on your booking as an upgrade to spoil your dog!
We also only use organic peanut butter that only has
1 ingredient to ensure it is safe for dogs.
Casual Daycare
As our regular daycare program is full, casual daycare was created to accommodate more daycare dogs during our off peak seasons. This means you book your days casually with us no more than 7 days in advance and if we have the space, drop off your dog!
However, the times of the year that we do not accept casual daycare is Christmas/New Year’s break, March Break and the majority of the summer (however summertime we can squeeze in the odd dogs here and there for casual daycare if any cancellations come up). Book by appointment only.